Samena Squares Lesson #13

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration with your family and friends.

Great class last Thursday! You are a fun group!

As promised we got through calls 1-51. Okay, it’s minus the left-handed calls and one of the wrong way ones. We will catch those up when we get back to dancing January 2

This Friday is the next Samena Squares level dance. The theme is Hawaiian Holiday. Wear Hawaiian clothes if you have them, a muumuu or Hawaiian shirt. Or touristy clothes. Or slacks and a t-shirt. Or square dance clothes. They are appropriate too.

Reminder: as our class members you get in for free to our dances.

Three dates that still need to be on your calendar:
Thursday, December 26:
NO CLASS. Enjoy your families! Or rest!
Friday, December 27: Hawaiian Holiday Level Dance at the Samena Squares, squares 8 – 10:30 p.m. Ray Gallagher, calling and John Neverdowski, cueing.
Thursday, January 2, 2014: Class resumes 7 – 9 p.m.

Have fun at the dance Friday night!

Have a very Happy New Year!

Happy dancing,

Week #13:
11. Half Sashay Family:
11 a. Half Sashay: Dancer on the right steps to their left; dancer on the left takes a small step backward slides behind the dancer on the right, step forward into the other dancer’s place. Dancers change places without ever changing their facing direction. HALF SASHAY – 4 steps.

21. Circulate Family:
21. c. All 8 Circulate: As an individual dancer move to the next position on your circulating path. For example, if you are a center in an ocean wave, you remain a center. If you are the end in an ocean wave, you remain an end. ALL 8 CIRCULATE – 4 steps.

21. d. Single File Circulate: In a column, each dancer moves to the next spot on the circulating path. SINGLE FILE CIRCULATE – 4 steps.

21. e. Split/Box Circulate: The formations divide into two separate boxes; dancers circulate to the next position on the circulating path in their foursome. (This one needs a picture.) SPLIT/BOX CIRCULATE – 4 steps.

31. Wheel Around: Moving as a couple the left hand dancer backs up and the right hand dancer walks forward to face the opposite direction. WHEEL AROUND – 4 steps.

40 b. Cross Run: Designated runner steps forward moving in a half circle across the center line to end in designated open position. Ends become centers and centers become ends. The runee without turning around slides into the open position. CROSS RUN – 6 steps.

50. Touch 1/4: With the person you are facing, touch right hands and with hands joined turn one quarter. TOUCH 1/4 – 2 steps.