Samena Squares Lesson #12

Dear Friends,

Great class Thursday night! What a fun group!

We will have one last class before the end of 2013. We made good progress Thursday night. On December 19, we have a few more calls to learn.

Three dates that need to be on your calendar:
Thursday, December 26:
NO CLASS. Enjoy your families!
Friday, December 27: Hawaiian Holiday Level Dance at the Samena Squares, squares 8 – 10:30 p.m. Ray Gallagher, calling and John Neverdowski, cueing.
Thursday, January 2, 2014: Class resumes 7 – 9 p.m.

See you Thursday!

Happy dancing,

Week #12:
5. Promenade Family:
5 c. Wrong Way Promenade: As a couple, PROMENADE opposite the usual direction, that is, in a clockwise direction. WRONG WAY PROMENADE – couples full around 16 steps.

8. Right and Left Grand Family:

8 c. Wrong Way Grand: Same as RIGHT AND LEFT GRAND except in opposite direction. Still starts with the right hand. WRONG WAY GRAND – 10 steps.

34b. Shoot The Star – Full Around: The same as ALLEMANDE LEFT using the existing forearm grip for a full circle, 360 degrees. SHOOT THE STAR – FULL AROUND – 8 steps.

35. Box The Gnat: This is one of the few moves that actually require a boy and a girl. With the person you’re facing join Right hands (by the fingertips. Boys palms up girls palms down). Raise the joined hands Girls turn left face under the forming arch, boys step across behind the girls. Both end in the others starting position and facing direction. Right hands joined. BOX THE GNAT – 4 steps.

47 a. Flutterwheel: With the couple you face, the Right hand dancers step forward for a right arm turn, picking up the opposite dancer and bringing them back with them. FLUTTERWHEEL – 8 steps.

47 b. Reverse Flutterwheel: With the couple you face, the Left hand dancers step forward for a left arm turn, picking up the opposite dancer and bringing them back with them. REVERSE FLUTTERWHEEL – 8 steps.

48. Sweep One Quarter: At the end of a sweeping turning motion continue sweeping one quarter more in the direction you were moving. SWEEP ONE QUARTER – 2 steps.